This is another set of Adhkaar booklets I made for my kids several years ago. I am learning along with my kids. These are from the Talibiddeen’s website. ~Adhkaar for Waking Up~ ~Morning Adhkaar~ ~Evening Adhkaar~ ~Adhkaar for Going to Bed~ You may notice that I have arabic writing on the dhikr cards(where hers has english). …
Read MoreI made these Dhikr booklets for my kids several years ago. I placed them on a bulletin board along with the prayer times to help them remember to say their Adhkaar after their prayers. They are from Talibiddeen’s website. She offers a booklet for each prayer. Fajr Dhikr Booklet Dhuhr Dhikr Booklet Asr Dhikr Booklet Maghrib…
Read MoreASA everyone. We decided to perform Umrah this weekend. So we headed to Mecca and here are some photos of our trip. We say these baboons on our way home. We were very surprised to see them here. This is the winding road we took up the mountain. Very scary! Here you can see…
Read MoreASA Everyone, We made Lasagna Rolls today and my oldest decided to help : ) It has a spinach and ricotta filling. It is yummy! If you would like the recipe you can find it at the end of this post. He was proud of himself.(*smile*) If you would like this recipe, you can download…
Read MoreASA Everyone, Today I decided to make a quick mini-book about Umrah. We will be going to Mecca Insha’Allah and I wanted the kids to know what to say when we are there. After seeing Umm Maimoonah’s post on the booklet she made for her daughter, I decided to do this for my kids. Here is a…
Read MoreASA Everyone, This is my son’s tiger lapbook. He has been working on a lot of animal lapbooks lately and I will post them as soon as I can. You can find these templates at the Homeschool Share blog. It has an immense about of lapbooks you can use with you children and they are all free.…
Read MoreHello everyone. This is my curriculum for the 2012/2013 school year. Spelling–All About Spelling Math– Saxon Math Life of Fred Geography–Expedition Earth by Erica at Confessions of a Homeschooler Science– Nancy Larson – Grade 2 Islamic Studies/Quran –Ad-Duha Institute Reading
Read MoreI’ve made some simple grammar posters to help my kids remember the term and its definition. Nouns Poster You can download the Nouns Poster here. Verbs Poster You can download the Verbs Poster here. Pronouns Poster You can download the Pronouns Poster here. If you prefer you can download them as one file here. I print these on cardstock…
Read MoreOur Curriculum for grade 2 Quran/Tajweed Read Quran daily Quran Studies Small surahs Iqra Reader Ad-Duha – Mini book Project- Make a lapbook on these surahs Islamic Studies – The 5 Pillars Project-Make a lapbook Aqeedah Fiqh Tawheed Islamic History Arabic Reading Writing Dictation Vocabulary Math Saxon Math 2 Grammar First Language Lessons for the Well Trained…
Read MoreEid Mubarak. May Allah(SWT) bless you all with health, happiness and increased iman. May Allah(SWT) accept your hajj.
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