April 3, 2014
Ideal Muslimah
Islamic · Islamic Websites · Memorization · Muslimah · Quran
ASA Everyone,
A dear friend of mine sent me a link from the Ideal Muslimah website and I thought I would share it with you all. The article was titled “The Easiest Way to Memorize The Noble Quran“. It peaked my interest so I wanted to read what they had to say.
It talked about strengthening the memorization and a method to quickly memorize it. It talks about reading the first aya(verse) 20 times, then second verse 20 times, and so on up until the fourth. Once you have reached the fourth aya, go back and recite from the beginning to where you stopped 20 times. You can read about it in more detail here.
This couldn’t have come at a better time because I was struggling with some memorization. I am so glad she sent this to me because we are planning to go to hajj this year and I wanted to learn more of the Quran before we went. ( I plan on making some Hajj Notebooking Pages soon) This is a perfect way to help me Insha’Allah. May it help you as well on your journey to memorization. May Allah(SWT) bless her and her family.
There are many excellent articles on this website, as well as guest posts on their experiences coming to Islam.
Remember my dear sisters, the Quran should be the foundation of the household and by following its message. We must keep a strong connection with the Quran to help keep shaytaan away. Instilling a daily habit of the Quran will put an imprint on our hearts and the hearts of our family members, Insha’Allah.
Here are a few websites that may be beneficial to you or someone you know to help them with the Quran.
Quran – also offers different languages for translation
There are also Ipad & I phone apps which are beneficial. My kids use the Quran Majeed app to help them with their memorization. Once they have it memorized I have them use the Quran to maintain what they have learned and so they get used to having it in their hands rather than an Ipad. I have them use the Ipad because they like to hear the proper tajweed and pronunciation from the reciter rather than from me. (Mom is not so good *smile*)
Quran Majeed offers a free edition but if you want the whole Quran you need to purchase the app. I highly recommend it. They offer different reciters and tafsir, with or without translation. It also has some nice features where you can have it recite one ayah or a range of ayahs at one time and it will repeat it as many times as you like, just put in the number of repeats. You can adjust the speed also so you can hear it more slowly. Take the time to look into it. Here is the link to the Ipad app.
I thought I would also post some beautiful recitations from adults and kids. Masha’Allah!
May Allah(SWT) reward by dear friend for taking the time to send this link to me. And may Allah(SWT) reward you all for striving to do the best for ourselves and our families.
I encourage you to check out the Ideal Muslimah website and to look into the websites or apps of Quran.