March 29, 2011
Ad-Duha Institute
ASA Everyone,
We started a new series of Islamic books from Ad-Duha Institute. They offer books from preschool through high school. They offer full-year courses on Islamic Studies and Arabic Curriculum.
Click here to see the inside of the book.
If you go to their website, you can browse inside the books to see all they have to offer. Once you have reached their website you can click on printed books, then full-year courses at the very top, then the level you would like to browse.
They have a series of books that I have purchased on the surahs of the Quran. These books give a simplified explanation to the young kids on what the surah is about.
The first book we did was on Surat Al-Fatiha. You can browse the book here.
The books I think are enjoyable for young children. I thought I would share this find with you all for you to explore if you were interested.
Hope it is of benefit to you and your family.