Surat Al-Falaq
I have another fun and engaging lapbook to show you all today! Surat Al-Falaq. This is also an updated version to my last one a couple years ago. I hope you and your children find it of benefit.
ASA, I made these to go along with the notebooking pages that I offer. If you are interested you can download them for free below. A great lecture series to go along with this word to word translation and the notebooking pages is from Al-Huda International. They have various other lectures and classes you can…
Today I have my Surat Al-Falaq Notebooking Pages to show you. I have been making Surah Notebooking Pages for older kids or adults to write down what they learn about each surah. I have different pages for you to choose from. There is a page with Surat Al-Falaq, one for hadith, Tafsir, Lessons Learned, word…