ASA Everyone, With Ramadan just around the corner, I wanted to share with you a prayer chart to help encourage your kids to make their prayers. My kids enjoyed using this a few years back. They liked seeing the progress they had made after the leaves were all colored in after a month of prayers.…
ASA Everyone, Here is the final quiz Set 14 (7 Names)for the 99 Names of Allah. Insha’Allah you all have a Blessed Ramadan! Names of Allah Set 14(7 Names) Salam,
ASA Everyone, Here is set 12 & 13 for the 7 Names of Allah. Insha’Allah you all are doing well. If you find any mistakes please leave a comment below. Insha’Allah you all have a blessed Ramadan! Names of Allah Set 12 (7 Names) Names of Allah Set 13 (7Names) Salam,
ASA Everyone, Here are the final sets for the 11 Names of Allah quizzes. Sets 8 & 9. Insha’Allah you all have a Blessed Ramadan! Names of Allah Set 8 (11 Names) Names of Allah Set 9 (11 Names) Salam,
ASA Everyone, Here are the quizzes for sets 8 & 9 with answer key. Insha’Allah you all are doing well. I apologize for the late post. Insha’Allah I will be able to keep up. Quiz Set 8(7 Names) Quiz Set 9(7 Names) Salam, Deanna
ASA Everyone, Here are the Names of Allah Quizzes Sets 10 & 11 for 7 Names. If you find any mistakes please leave a comment below. Names of Allah Quiz Set 10 (7 Names) Names of Allah Quiz Set 11 (7 Names) Salam,
ASA Everyone, Here are sets 6 & 7 for the 11 Names quiz. Hope you all are doing well. Insha’Allah you all have a Blessed Ramadan! Names of Allah Set 6 (11 Names) Names of Allah Set 7 (11 Names) Salam,
ASA Everyone, Here is Quizzes Set 6 & 7. Comes with Answer Key. Hope you are doing well. I will be gone for the next 10 days or so. I will post more on my return Insha’Allah. Quiz Set 6(7 Names) Quiz Set 7(7 Names) Salam, Deanna
ASA Everyone, Here are quiz sets 4 & 5 for the 11 Names of Allah. Hope everyone is doing well. Quiz Set 4 (11 Names) Quiz Set 5 (11 Names) Salam,
ASA Everyone, Here is Set 4 & 5 for the Names of Allah Quizzes. Hope you all are doing well! Names of Allah Set 4 (7 Names) Names of Allah Set 5 (7 Names) If you find any mistakes, please leave a kind comment below. Salam, Deanna