February 1, 2025
Surat Al-Mursalaat Lapbook

I have another fun surah lapbook to show you today. Surat Al-Mutsalaat! InshaAllah you and your children find it of benefit.
Basic Facts about Surat Al-Mursalaat:
- This surah is number 77 in the Quran.
- It was revealed in Mecca.
- Mursalaat means the winds that Allah(SWT) sends forth.
- This surah was revealed to the Prophet(SAAS) at Mina which is a city in Saudi Arabia
- This surah is one of the last surahs the Prophet(SAAS) recited in prayer with the Sahaba before he past away.
Basic Surah Summary:
This surah is all about how Allah(SWT) sends clouds with rain, the angels with jobs to do, about the people who came before us and the signs of Yawm Al-Qiyamah. How Allah(SWT) will bring us back to life to be judged.
4 things that will happen on Yawm Al-Qiyamah:
- The stars will become dim
- The sky will break apart
- The mountains will scattered like dust
- All the messengers will be gathered to tell Allah(SWT) the work they have done to teach people about Islam.
Allah(SWT) tells us in the surah, “When will these things happen?” He(SWT) tells us on the Day Of Judgement. Then asks, “What will explain what this day is?” Allah(SWT) tells us it will be the worst day for those who reject the truth.
Allah(SWT) made an example of the people of Thamud and Phirown and others. They did not listen to their messengers and they continued to do bad things.
Allah(SWT) then goes on to tell us how He created us from a drop of liquid and how He put it in a safe place(womb) for a period of time.
He(SWT) continues to tell us how He created the earth and everything in it. He(SWT) talks about what Jahannam is like. There will be no shade and it will have columns of smoke. No one will be able to speak that day or ask for forgiveness because it will be too late.
Allah(SWT) tells us the righteous will be in Jannah where there is cool shade, water to drink and delicious fruits.
At the end of the surah Allah(SWT) asks,”What message will they believe in?”
The ages for these lapbooks:
This lapbook can be used alongside the Ad-Duha Institute Mini Tafseer Books. They are a wonderful series of books for children. I recommend you check out their website. You can purchase the Surat Al-Mursalaat mini-book or the Surat Al-Mursalaat e-book. Be sure to click the correct book format when purchasing. You can buy each book separately or as a set. Check out the pages of the books here. I gave a book to each child so that they can color and participate by reading along with me.
These lapbooks can be used for level grades, I would say from maybe 4th-6/7 depending on the age of your child/student and what they are able to do. If your child/students are on the younger side you can just choose the basic minibooks about the surah and make a smaller lapbook. And then as they get older you can incorporate more minibooks about the surah that can then be added to their lapbook.
If you have older students you can have them read and do the minibook themselves. They can either cut and paste the answers into the mini books or they can write it in themselves. You can give them a quiz after a review to see if they have fully understood and retained the information. I will be sharing a study guide and quiz later so be sure to keep a look out.
If you have younger readers you can read it together as a group and then you can help them cut and paste the answers inside the mini books. The very young may not be able to do all the mini books. You can pick and choose which ones you would like your students to do. Another option is for the parent/teacher to cut out all mini books and paste them into the lapbook so it is ready for the younger student to use. Then the student can paste the answer inside the minibook. This way the parent or teacher can focus on spending time going over and explaining the surah.
If this is too easy for your older students then you can soon check out my Surat Al-Mursalaat Notebooking Pages where students/adults can write out what they know and learned from the surah.
New Series Coming Soon!
I will be coming out with a new series of surah lapbooks for Pre-k through maybe 2nd to 3rd grade. It will be a simplified version of my lapbooks, but it will give them exposure to the basic facts about the surah so they can learn along with their siblings or students. So be sure to keep a look out. I will post it on Instagram when they are ready to be released, so be sure to follow me so you do not miss out on any new content!
How long will it take to complete this lapbook?
It all depends on you and your family. Older students might finish in a few days to a week and younger students may take a couple of weeks or more. Do not feel pressured to finish in a certain time. Pace yourself and your kids to what best suits your family.
What is included in this lapbook?
- Facts about the surah mini books
- Vocabulary mini book
- Trace the arabic letters of the surah
- Tafseer mini book
- Translation mini book
- What you should say before reciting Quran mini book
- 21 other mini books

In the above photo, because the surahs are starting to get a bit longer, I have made this option for you if you decide not to use the minibooks inside the lapbook. You can use this option and just staple each packet together and place in the back pocket of the lapbook. Check out my Surat Al-Mursalaat lapbook to see how this is shown.
If you would like a copy of this lapbook you can purchase it in my shop here.
Check out my entire shop here.
Check out my Surat Al-Mursalaat Lapbook Video here to see the complete layout of this lapbook.
If you have older kids or adults who would like to write more in depth about the surah, be sure to check out my Surat Al-Mursalaat Notebook Pages here.
Before you download any of my work, please note the following!
The content of this lapbook is copyrighted intellectual property and offered solely here for purchase download and personal use(one household) exclusively. I also offer classroom or school license if it is for a classroom/co-op or school setting.
This is an Amanah(trust) that the appropriate license will be purchased for the appropriate use. May Allah(SWT) reward you in abundance for teaching our children.
If you find a mistake or would like me to add a minibook or have other ideas please leave a kind comment below or email me at: support@lessonsfromthegulf.com
Supplies Needed:
file folders (or large sheets of construction paper)
bone folder-optional
Check out these links to see how I make the lapbooks.
How to make a lapbook tutorial-Check out my YouTube channel
Hope it is of benefit.
Peace and Blessings,