July 10, 2014
Surat Al-Qaari’ah Notebooking Pages

Today I have for you Surat Al-Qaari’ah Notebooking Pages to show you. I have been making Surah Notebooking Pages for older students or adults to write down what they learn about each surah. I have different pages for you to choose from.
There is a page with Surat Al-Qaari’ah, one for hadith, Tafsir, Lessons Learned, word analysis page, grammar, notes page, asbaab an-nazool. You and/or your child can use all or any page which suits you best at your level of learning.
Surat Al-Qaari’ah
Points to remember:
- This surah was revealed in Mecca before the Hijrah to Madina.
- How many verses are there in Surat Al-Qaari’ah? 11 verses
- It is Surah Number 101
- This surah is named after the word in the first ayah, Al-Qaari’ah which means striking calamity.
- One thing that is special about this surah is it is a mystery. We do not know what the striking calamity is until Allah helps us to understand. Allah gives us six clues as to what this mystery could be.
- The six clues are:
- The first clue is to understand what Al-Qaari’ah means. Striking Calamity. It means two things. Striking which means to hit things against each other so hard they make a loud, terrifying noise. Calamity means something terrible and scary that happens.
- The second clue Allah(SWT) gives us is it is a day people will be running around.
- The third clue is that these people will be running around looking for help, like moths flying around not knowing where they are going.
- The fourth clue Allah(SWT) gives us is that the mountains will be destroyed and look like pieces of wool. They will become like dust and blow in the wind easily
- The fifth clue is that our deeds will be measured on a scale. And those whose scales are heavy with good deeds; he will have a pleasant life in Jannah.
- The last clue is if our scales are light with only a few good deeds, he will be in a state of “um-moo-hoo Haa-wee-yah”. There are two meanings to this word. Some scholars say that a person will be falling head first from a tall height into Jahannam. Other scholars say that Jahannam will be the home of the people who do not do good deeds. So either way, those who do not do good deeds their final abode is Jahannam. And this fire will be sixty-nine times hotter than the any fire we know here on earth.
- So with all these clues we can come to the conclusion that Allah(SWT) is talking about The Day of Judgment.
- There are three parts to The Day of Judgment:
- The destruction/resurrection- the terrible and scary noises, people running around like moths and the mountains being destroyed.
- The weighing of our deeds
- And finally the rewards. People will be sent to Jannah or Jahannam.
- Discuss vocabulary words
- القَارِعَةُ ~ terrible noise
- الفَرَاشِ ~ moths
- الجِبَالُ ~ mountains
- مَوَازِينُهُ ~ scales(to measure our deeds)
- عِيشَةٍ ~ life
- حَامِيَةُ ~ blazing(as in the fire of Jahannam)
Here are a few lectures to help you with the understanding of the surah.
You may be interested in Al-Huda Institute Taimiyyah Zubair’s Tafsir and Word Analysis lectures.
Check out my free word-to-word translation worksheets here.

I will be making these notebooking pages for all of Juzz ‘Amma InshaAllah, so keep a look out if you are interested.
Before you download my lapbooks or notebook pages, please note the following!
The content of the book is copyrighted intellectual property and offered solely here for purchase download and personal use(one household) exclusively. I also offer a classroom or school license if it is for a classroom/co-op or school setting.
You may not copy, reproduce, alter, distribute, modify, create derivative works of my work.
This is an Amanah(trust) that the appropriate license will be purchased for the appropriate use. May Allah(SWT) reward you in abundance for teaching our children.
Check out my free word-to-word translation worksheets here.
Check out my YouTube channel to see how I organize these notebooking pages.
If you would like to purchase this set of Surat Al-Qaari’ah Notebooking Pages, click here.
If you have elementary aged students be sure to check out my Surat Al-Qaari’ah Lapbook.
To see all my products, please visit my shop here.
Hope these are of benefit to you and your family.
Peace & Blessings,