
Ramadan 2014 ~ Day 28 Lectures

By Deanna | July 26, 2014 |

ASA, Here are Day 28 Lectures. Jewel from the Quran Episode 26 – Mufti Menk

Surat At-Taariq Word to Word Translation

By Deanna | July 25, 2014 |

ASA, As I was learning and taking a class about the tafseer of the Quran, I thought it would be helpful to have a word to word translation near me for easy reference. So I decided to make these word to word pages for those studying the tafseer to hopefully make their journey a bit…

Ramadan 2014 ~ Day 27 Lectures

By Deanna | July 25, 2014 |

ASA, Here are Day 27 Lectures. Jewels from the Quran Episode 25 – Mufti Menk Quran Tafseer Day 27 – Mufti Menk Surat Al-Fatiha Part 18 – Yasir Qadhi Salam,

Ramadan 2014 ~ Day 26 Lectures

By Deanna | July 24, 2014 |

ASA, Here are Day 26 Lectures. Jewels from the Quran – Episode 24 – Mufti Menk Quran Tafseer Day 26 – Mufti Menk Surat Al-Fatiha Part 17 – Yasir Qadhi Salam,

Ramadan 2014 ~ Day 25 Lectures

By Deanna | July 23, 2014 |

ASA, Here are Day 25 Lectures. Jewels from the Quran – Episode 23 – Mufti Menk Quran Tafseer Day 25 – Mufti Menk Surat Al-Fatiha Part 16 – Yasir Qadhi Salam,

Ramadan 2014 ~ Day 24 Lectures

By Deanna | July 22, 2014 |

ASA, Here are Day 24 Lectures. Jewels from the Quran – Episode 22 – Mufti Menk Quran Tafseer Day 24 – Mufti Menk Last 10 Night of Ramadan & Laytal Qadr – Yasir Qadhi Surat Al-Fatiha Part 15 – Yasir Qadhi

Ramadan 2014 ~ Day 23 Lectures

By Deanna | July 21, 2014 |

ASA, Here are Day 23 Lectures. Jewels from the Quran – Episode 21 – Mufti Menk Quran Tafseer Day 23 – Mufti Menk Surat Al-Fatiha Part 14 – Yasir Qadhi Salam,

Surat Al-'Aadiyaat

Surat Al-‘Aadiyaat Notebooking Pages

By Deanna | July 20, 2014 |

ASA, Today I have for you Surat Al-‘Aadiyaat Notebooking Pages to show you.  I have been making Surah Notebooking Pages for older students or adults to write down what they learn about each surah.  I have different pages for you to choose from. There is a page with Surat Al-‘Aadiyaat, one for hadith, Tafsir, Lessons…


Surat Al-‘Ala Word to Word Translation

By Deanna | July 20, 2014 |

ASA, As I was learning and taking a class about the tafseer of the Quran, I thought it would be helpful to have a word to word translation near me for easy reference. So I decided to make these word to word pages for those studying the tafseer to hopefully make their journey a bit…

Ramadan 2014 ~ Day 22 Lectures

By Deanna | July 20, 2014 |

ASA, Here are Day 22 Lectures. Jewels from the Quran – Episode 20 – Mufti Menk Quran Tafseer Day 22 – Mufti Menk Surat Al- Fatiha Tafsir – Part 13 – Yasir Qadhi Salam,

Lessons from the Gulf leaf

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