August 26, 2014
Curriculum 2014-2015
ASA Everyone,
With the new school about to begin I thought I would share with you our curriculum.
Saxon Math (my 4th grader)
Singapore Math (my 5th grader
I will also being Math-Aids to generate practice math sheets.
Institute for Excellence in Writing
Student Writing Intensive ~ Level A
Phonetic Zoo Level A
All Thing Fun & Fascinating (Extra Writing Activities)
Fix-It Grammar
Science Lapbooks I plan on designing (time permitting, Insha’Allah ~ I will share them as soon as they are completed)
In order to fulfill state requirements we will be doing some American History from Homeschool in the Woods.
We will try to cover:
The Industrial Revolution through the Great Depression
Whatever we do not complete this year we will continue with them next school year. We covered the New Explorers Lapbook at the end of the last school year.
Islamic Studies
Surah Lapbooks
I will continue designing my Surah Lapbooks and we will be working on those. (I will share them as soon as they are completed, Insha’Allah)
Prophet Muhammad Lapbook on the Medina Period from Iman’s Homeschool.
I plan on designing some lapbooks on the companions and prophets as well (Insha’Allah I will have the time)
The Content of Character Lapbook from Kinza Academy
Another Etiquette Book
We will also be watching a DVD Series based on the book by Imam Bukhari. It is called Al-Adab Al-Mufrad. It is explained by Abu Eesa Niamatullah. You can find the DVD set here and here. You can watch it on you tube here.
Maps, Charts & Graphs Workbooks
State -by – State Scrapbook (Idea from Shower of Roses)
Egypt Lapbooks
I used the Checklists from Shower of Roses blog. She has made a modifiable version available so one can custom make it to their children’s curriculum. To download the modifiable version you mut scroll to the bottom of this post.
The checklists are great because it helps to see the progress your children are making in regards to their studies. Hope they help.