January 15, 2021
Surat Al-Fajr Notebooking Pages

ASA Everyone,
Today I have for you Surat Al-Fajr Notebooking Pages. There are some beneficial talks to listen to, to help with the understanding of the surah.
Listen to this lecture series of Surat Al-Fajr by Nouman Ali Khan on the Bayyinah Website. It is under the podcast tab. Here are the links.
I have made different worksheets to go along with the surah. Each worksheet is labeled with a different topic and your student takes notes on the corresponding worksheet.

Surah Summary:
Allah is swearing by the dawn, the ten nights(of Dhul-HIjjah), the even and the odd and the night as it passes. The scholars explain these as follows:
- the dawn as the first prayer of the day
- the ten days are the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah, these are the best days to do good deeds and extra worship
- the even is referring to the tenth day of Dhul Hijjah which is Eid Al-Adha
- the odd is referring to the ninth day of Dhul Hijjah which is Yawm Al-Arafat.
- the night as it passes is referring to the different phases the night goes through until dawn
All these times are dedicated acts of worship. Those who are righteous are mindful of these times and fulfill their duties at these times. But some turn away from Allah’s signs and Allah talks about three nations in this surah who turned away from Allah.
The Tribe of ‘Aad
The first tribe is the people of ‘Aad. They were known as the builders of grand pillars, the likes of which have never been created before. The tribe of ‘Aad descended from Prophet Nuh(AS). The founder of this tribe was ‘Ad bin Iram bin ‘Aws bin Sam bin Nuh. This tribe were very skilled builders and very strong. There was no tribe skilled as them at that time. Allah gave them these blessings as a test.
Allah sent Prophet Hood(AS) to the tribe of ‘Aad. Prophet Hood(AS) reminded them to worship only Allah and to be grateful for all their blessings. He warned them that if they did not listen to Allah, they would be punished.
The people of ‘Aad ignored the prophet and continued to be arrogant by boasting that they were the mightiest. Allah gave them time to change their ways but they did not and therefore Allah(SWT) sent upon them a terrible wind that lasted for seven days and eight nights. It was a strong and powerful wind. When it was over the people of ‘Aad lay dead on the ground like hollow trunks of date palms(69: 7-8). Allah destroyed them because they were not righteous or mindful of their duties. There is no trace of them. Allah says in the Quran, “Do you see any remnants of them?”(69:7-8)
The Tribe of Thamood
The next tribe are the people of Thamood. They were also known to be skilled builders and carved stone in incredible ways. They carved beautiful artwork in the mountains and made exquisite castles.
Allah sent Prophet Salih(AS) to the people of Thamood and a miraculous camel. Allah had given them many blessings to test them. Again Prophet Salih(AS) reminded his people to worship only Allah and to be grateful for their blessings, just as Prophet Hood(AS) did to the tribe of ‘Aad. He warned them that if they did not listen Allah would punish them.
They continued to be arrogant and ignored Prophet Salih(AS) and even killed the camel. You can learn more about this andthe tribe of Thamood in Surat Ash-Shams in the lapbook and notebook pages that I offer.
Allah had given them time to change their ways and they refused to listen. Allah sent upon them a terrible storm which Allah describes in the Quran in different ways. It is described as a mighty blast that overtook them, and the earthquake that took them by surprise and by thunder and lightning. All that was left was the ruins of their homes.
Phirown was a powerful king. He ruled over the Egyptian people and was very cruel and arrogant. He was known as the owner of “stakes”. The scholars have understood this to mean they were iron nails he would use to crucify those who disobeyed him. And other scholars have understood this to mean these stakes were Phirown’s armies who carried out his command.
Allah sent Prophet Musa(AS) and his brother, Prophet Haroon(AS) to Phirown. The Prophets reminded Phirown to worship Allah alone and to be thankful for the blessings that were bestowed upon him. They showed Phirown many of Allah’s signs. Prophet Musa(AS) warned him that if he did obey Allah, he will be punished.
Phirown did not listen and was claimed himself as God. (28:38) He went after Prophet Musa(AS) until he came to the sea. Allah opened up the sea to allow Prophet Musa(AS) and his people to escape from Phirown. Phirown and his army followed Prophet Musa(AS) through the sea. As soon as him and his army were in the walls of the water, Allah allowed the water to fall upon them and they drowned.
Allah(SWT) tested all these nations with blessings and they failed to obey Allah because of their arrogance.
Allah tests us with good things like money and power to see if we will do good with the blessings we have been given. Allah also tests us with difficult things as well. Although it is very difficult, we must be patient and be mindful of our duties to Allah.
In this surah, Allah tells us He tests us for 4 reasons:
- We do not take care of the orphan
- We do not encourage one another to feed the poor
- We take right from otheres, like inheritance
- We love wealth very much
Yawm Al-Qiyamah
Allah tells us what will happen when Yawm Al-Qiyamah comes:
- The earth will be leveled; crushed to a powder
- And your Lord will come with the angels, rank upon rank
- And Jahannam will be brought to view; everyone will see and remember

I will be making notebook pages for all of Juzz Amma InshaAllah. So please keep a look out.
Before you download my lapbooks or notebook pages, please note the following!
The content of the book is copyrighted intellectual property and offered solely here for free download and personal use exclusively.
If you would like a copy of these notebooking pages, you can download it here.
If you would like a copy of the Surat Al-Fajr Lapbook Templates, you can download them here.
Peace and Blessings,