July 31, 2015
Surat At-Takaathur Lapbook Templates
I have another fun lapbook to share with you today. Surat At-Takaathur Lapbook. InshaAllah you and your children find it of benefit.
Points about the surah:
Surat At-Takaathur was revealed in Mecca, though some scholars say it was revealed in Median, Allah knows best. It is surah number 102 in the Quran. It gets its name from the first verse, At-Takaathur, where Allah is describing people who are greedy and only think of themselves.
As the name of the surah mentions, this surah is about greed. Greed is defined as “excessive or rapacious desire, especially for wealth or possessions.”(1) In other words, when one is in a continuous desire to get more of what they like. One is not grateful for what Allah has blessed them with and they do not share their blessings with others. These greedy people will have to answer to Allah for what they did with the blessings they were given.
Prophet Muhammad(SAAS) said, ” If the son of Adam had a valley of gold, he would desire another like it…” (Sahih Bukhari)
This surah teaches us what will happen after we die…
- Those who did not listen to Allah(SWT) will be punished in the grave
- We will see Jahannam(Hell) with our own eyes.
- We will have to answer to Allah(SWT) about what we did with the blessings we were given.
- Greedy people do not remember Allah(SWT) and do not share their blessings, so they will be held accountable.
There is a hadith of Prophet Muhammad(SAAS)…
“The son of Adam(human beings) says, ‘My wealth, my wealth.’ But do you get anything (of benefit) from your wealth except for that which you ate and you finished it, or that which you clothed yourself with and you wore it out, or that which you gave as charity and you have spent it.” (Sahih Muslim, Tirmidhi, Ahmed & An-Nasaa’i)
People like to tell others about the nice things they get, but Allah(SWT) tells us that these things will go away. So there is no reason to boast about your belongings.
Asbaab An-Nuzool:
Asbaab An-Nuzool is the story behind the surah. The story behind Surat At-Takaathur is there were two tribes that live in Madinah during the time of the Prophet(SAAS). Each tribe began to tell stories how great their men were. They began to get upset because they each thought their tribe was better. They even began talking about members in their respective tribes that had passed away. Both tribes were acting very arrogant and proud, which Allah(SWT) absolutely does not like. Some scholars have said this surah was revealed to teach people not to act this way.
Surah Summary:
In the first ayah, Allah begins to tell us how most people are too busy gaining wealth and other things they enjoy to remember Allah. Most forget they will have to answer for everything on Yawm Al-Qiyamah. We must plan for the next life, the Hereafter.
In the second ayah, Allah tells us that these greedy people will remember Yawm Al-Qiyamah when they are in their graves, when it is too late. Once they are in their graves they can longer attain good deeds. They no longer have the time to do good and make up for anything they have done wrong.
Allah tells us in the third and fourth ayahs that these greedy people will realize that they should have gotten ready for this day. Allah(SWT) is sending a message to prepare for this day before it is too late. It is utmost importance that He repeats it twice. That you will know the importance of this day. Prepare.
In the fifth ayah, we are told with certainty that you should beware of this day. Take the time you have now to get ready for this day.
Those who do not get ready, these greedy people will see Jahannam with their own eyes. Allah will actually show them Jahannam to know that Yawm Al-Qiyamah is true, but it will be too late. Again, Allah(SWT) tells us this twice so we reflect and prepare ourselves for this day.
Seeing Jahannam with their own eyes is scary because they know this is only the beginning. In ayah eight, these greedy people will be asked about the pleasures they enjoyed in this world. They then will realize that Yawm Al-Qiyamah is real.
When one is greedy:
- They are not thankful
- They continue to want more
- They are hurting others when they do not share in their blessings(ex. Hoarding wealth and not giving to the poor)
The ages for these lapbooks
This lapbook is meant to be used with the Ad-Duha Institute Mini Tafseer Books. You can purchase the Surat At-Takaathur mini book or you can purchase the Surat At-Takaathur e-book and print it out yourself. You can buy each book separately or as a set. Check out the pages of the books here. I gave a book to each child so that they can color and participate by reading along with me.
These lapbooks can be used at the elementary level grades 1-6. If you have older students you can have them read and do the minbook themselves. They can either cut and paste the answers into the mini books or they can write it in themselves. You can give them a quiz after a review to see if they have fully understood and retained the information. I will be sharing a study guide and quiz later so be sure to keep a look out.
If you have younger readers you can read it together as a group and then you can help them cut and paste the answers inside the mini books. The very young may not be able to do all the mini books. You can pick and choose which ones you would like your students to do. Another option is for the parent/teacher to cut out all mini books and paste them into the lapbook so it is ready for the younger student to use. Then the parent or teacher can focus on spending time going over and explaining the surah.
If this is too easy for your older students then you can soon check out my Surat At-Takaathur Notebooking Pages where they can write out what they know and learned from the surah. Keep a look out.
How long will it take to complete this lapbook?
It all depends on you and your family. Older students might finish in a few days to a week and younger students may take a couple of weeks or more. Do not feel pressured to finish in a certain time. Pace yourself and your kids to what best suits your family.
What is included in this lapbook?
- Facts about the surah mini books
- Vocabulary mini book
- Trace the arabic letters of the surah
- Tafseer mini book
- Translation mini book
- What you should say before reciting Quran mini book
- Asbaab An-Nazool mini book
- 19 other mini books
Sample of the lapbook pages
If you would like a copy of this lapbook you can purchase it in my shop here.
Check out my entire shop here.
If you would like a copy of the Surat Al-Takaathur Notebooking Pages, you can download them here.
If you find a mistake or would like me to add a minibook please leave a kind comment below.
Before you download my lapbooks or notebook pages, please note the following!
The content of the book is copyrighted intellectual property and offered solely here for free download and personal use exclusively.
Supplies Needed:
2 file folders (or 2 large sheets of construction paper)
Check out these links to see how I make the lapbooks.
What is a lapbook?
How to make a lapbook tutorial-Check out my YouTube channel
Hope it is of benefit.
Peace and Blessings,