I have another fun surah lapbook to show you today. Surat An-Naba! InshaAllah you and your children find it of benefit. Basic Facts about Surat An-Naba: Juz Basic Surah Summary: This surah is about how the disbelievers argue about Yawm Al-Qiyamah. When the Prophet(SAAS) first told his people(Quraysh) about Yawm Al-Qiyamah they would argue about…
I have another fun surah lapbook to show you today. Surat An-Naazi’aat! InshaAllah you and your children find it of benefit. Basic Facts about Surat An-Naazi’aat: 5 Types of angels: List of specific names of angels and their jobs: List of angels and their jobs: Basic Surah Summary: Allah(SWT) swears by the angels who have…
I have another fun surah lapbook to show you today. Surat Al-Infitaar! InshaAllah you and your children find it of benefit. Basic Facts about Surat ‘Abasa: Prophets who have made mistakes: Story of Abdullah ibn Umm Makhtoom(RA) Abdullah(RA) was a blind man and a sahaabah(companion) of the Prophet(SAAS). He was a major contributor to the…
I have another fun surah lapbook to show you today. Surat Al-Infitaar! InshaAllah you and your children find it of benefit. Basic Facts about Surat Al-Infitaar: 4 Signs of Yawm Al-Qiyamah mentioned in this surah: Basic Surah Summary: This surah talks about Yawm Al-Qiyamah and how to get ready for it. If we prepare properly…
I have another fun surah lapbook to show you today. Surat Al-Mutaffifin! InshaAllah you and your children find it of benefit. Basic Facts about Surat Al-Mutaffifin: Sijjeen & Illeeyeen: Asbaab An-Nazool: The ages for these lapbooks: This lapbook can be used alongside the Ad-Duha Institute Mini Tafseer Books. They are a wondeful series of books…
I have for you 10 surah lapbooks in one pack at a discounted price. This Mega Pack includes the following surah lapbooks: Surat An-Naas Surat Al-Falaq Surat Al-Ikhlaas Surat Al-Masad Surat An-Nasr Surat Al-Kafiroon Surat Al-Kawthar Surat Al-Ma’oon Surat Quraysh Surat Al-Fil This item is an instant download and for personal use exclusively. If you…
I have another fun surah lapbook to show you today. Surat At-Taariq! InshaAllah you and your children find it of benefit. Basic Facts about Surat At-Taariq: Special Facts about this Surah: Prophet Muhammad(SAAS) liked to recite this surah for ‘Isha prayer in congregation(Jamaa’) Asbaab An-Nazool: Asbaab An-Nazool is the story behind the revelation of the…
I have another fun surah lapbook study to show you today. Surat Al-Ghaashiya! InshaAllah you and your children find it of benefit. Basic Facts about Surat Al-Ghaashiya: Special Facts about this Surah: Prophet Muhammad(SAAS) liked to recite this surah on Salat Al-Jum’aa and for both the Eid prayers. Surah Summary: This surah mainly contains three…