Surat Al-Ghaashiya
Today I have for you Surat Al-Ghaashiya Notebooking Pages. There are some beneficial talks to listen to, to help with the understanding of the surah. Listen to this lecture series of Surat Al-Ghaashiya by Nouman Ali Khan on the Bayyinah Website. It is under the podcast tab. Here are the links. Surat Al-Ghaashiya ~ Part…
I have another fun surah lapbook study to show you today. Surat Al-Ghaashiya! InshaAllah you and your children find it of benefit. Basic Facts about Surat Al-Ghaashiya: Special Facts about this Surah: Prophet Muhammad(SAAS) liked to recite this surah on Salat Al-Jum’aa and for both the Eid prayers. Surah Summary: This surah mainly contains three…
ASA, As I was learning and taking a class about the tafseer of the Quran, I thought it would be helpful to have a word to word translation near me for easy reference. So I decided to make these word to word pages for those studying the tafseer to hopefully make their journey a bit…