Kids Prayer Chart

By Deanna | April 10, 2011

ASA Everyone, I have a prayer chart that may help encourage your kids to make their prayers.  A friend of mine gave this to me.  I am not sure where she got it from, but may Allah(SWT) reward that person for making such an awesome chart! My kids enjoyed doing this.  Click here for the…

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Ad-Duha Institute

By Deanna | March 29, 2011

  ASA Everyone, . We started a new series of Islamic books from Ad-Duha Institute.  They offer books from preschool through high school.  They offer full-year courses on Islamic Studies and Arabic Curriculum. Click here to see the inside of the book. If you go to their website, you can browse inside the books to see…

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Surat Al-Fatiha Lapbook

By Deanna | January 15, 2011

Surat Al-Fatiha Lapbook ASA Everyone, As I mentioned before we started  a series of books on the explanation of the surahs.  You can find that post here.  I decided to make a lapbook on the surah to help instill it in my children.    The lapbook was put together very quickly,   so it is not a…

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Surah Lapbooking Pages

By Deanna | January 2, 2010

Surah Lapbooking Pages                                    _______________   ASA Everyone, Today I will be launching a series of lapbooking pages of all the surahs, InshaAllah!  The lapbooks are used in conjunction with the series of books from Al-Duha.  According to their…

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By Deanna | October 23, 2009

Assalamu Alaikum.   I am on a journey to homeschool my children that is pleasing to Allah(SWT).  May Allah(SWT) keep them and all our children on the right path.  I decided to start a blog to journal what I am covering with my children.  I hope what I have to offer will be of benefit…

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Lessons from the Gulf leaf

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