Today I wanted to share with you certificates of completion I have made to reward our children. I thought it would be a good idea to give them a certificate for all their hard work in learning their surahs. So for each surah they complete I give them a new certificate with their name along…
Read MoreI have for you 10 surah lapbooks in one pack at a discounted price. This Mega Pack includes the following surah lapbooks: Surat An-Naas Surat Al-Falaq Surat Al-Ikhlaas Surat Al-Masad Surat An-Nasr Surat Al-Kafiroon Surat Al-Kawthar Surat Al-Ma’oon Surat Quraysh Surat Al-Fil This item is an instant download and for personal use exclusively. If you…
Read MoreI have another fun surah lapbook to show you today. Surat Al-Burooj! InshaAllah you and your children find it of benefit. Basic Facts about Surat Al-Burooj: Ashabu Al-Ookdood: Ashabu Al-Ookdood, also known as The People of the Ditch, were very cruel to the believers and harmed them in a savage way. The story was told…
Read MoreI have another fun surah lapbook to show you today. Surat At-Taariq! InshaAllah you and your children find it of benefit. Basic Facts about Surat At-Taariq: Special Facts about this Surah: Prophet Muhammad(SAAS) liked to recite this surah for ‘Isha prayer in congregation(Jamaa’) Asbaab An-Nazool: Asbaab An-Nazool is the story behind the revelation of the…
Read MoreI have another fun surah lapbook to show you today. Surat Al’A’laa! InshaAllah you and your children find it of benefit. This lapbook had a lot of minibooks. There are some grammar minibooks about Alif Maksoorah. If your children are too young to learn this you can omit them and add them later when they…
Read MoreToday I have for you Surat Al-Ghaashiya Notebooking Pages. There are some beneficial talks to listen to, to help with the understanding of the surah. Listen to this lecture series of Surat Al-Ghaashiya by Nouman Ali Khan on the Bayyinah Website. It is under the podcast tab. Here are the links. Surat Al-Ghaashiya ~ Part…
Read MoreI have another fun surah lapbook study to show you today. Surat Al-Ghaashiya! InshaAllah you and your children find it of benefit. Basic Facts about Surat Al-Ghaashiya: Special Facts about this Surah: Prophet Muhammad(SAAS) liked to recite this surah on Salat Al-Jum’aa and for both the Eid prayers. Surah Summary: This surah mainly contains three…
Read MoreASA Everyone, Today I have for you Surat Al-Fajr Notebooking Pages. There are some beneficial talks to listen to, to help with the understanding of the surah. Listen to this lecture series of Surat Al-Fajr by Nouman Ali Khan on the Bayyinah Website. It is under the podcast tab. Here are the links. Surat Al-Fajr…
Read MoreI have another fun surah lapbook study to show you today. Surat Al-Fajr! InshaAllah you and your children find it of benefit. Basic Facts about Surat Al-Fajr: This surah is number 89 in the Quran. It was revealed in Mecca. It is called a “Makki” surah meaning it was revealed in the beginning of his…
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